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Artificial Intelligence Satellite Telecommunication Testbed using Commercial Off-The-Shelf Chipsets

    The Artificial Intelligence Satellite Telecommunications Testbed (AISTT), part of the ESA project SPAICE, is focused on the transformation of the satellite payload by using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) methodologies over available commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) AI-capable chips for… Read More »Artificial Intelligence Satellite Telecommunication Testbed using Commercial Off-The-Shelf Chipsets

    CosmoCLIP: Generalising Large Vision-Language Models for Astronomical Imaging

      Existing vision-text contrastive learning models enhance representation transferability and support zero-shot prediction by matching paired image and caption embeddings while pushing unrelated pairs apart. However, astronomical image-label datasets are significantly smaller compared to general image and label datasets available from… Read More »CosmoCLIP: Generalising Large Vision-Language Models for Astronomical Imaging